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Ciencia: Actividad de ingeniería / Science in Spanish: Engineering Activity

Ciencia: Actividad de ingeniería / Science in Spanish: Engineering Activity In-Person

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Explore la ingeniería como un científico, ¡Un científico que habla español! Los niños construirán y probarán la resistencia de casas modelo mientras amplían su vocabulario en español practicando términos científicos que no se usan en la conversación cotidiana. Este programa está destinado a niños que entienden español y están dispuestos a intentar hablarlo. Para niños en los grados K al 5 y sus familias

Explore engineering like a scientist—a scientist who speaks Spanish! Kids will build and test the strength of model houses, all the while expanding their Spanish vocabulary by practicing scientific terms that aren’t used in everyday conversation. This program is intended for children who understand spoken Spanish and are willing to try speaking some. Kids in grades K–5 & their families
Presentado por / Presented by Fabiola Hammond

Saturday, October 19, 2024
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
Meeting room
Moran Prairie
  Families     Kids     Tweens  
Registration has closed.

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Accommodation information

Spokane County Library District (SCLD) strives to make events welcoming for people of all abilities.

For in-person events at our libraries

To request accommodation (such as hearing assistance, ASL requests, or other ADA inquiries), please email comments@scld.org or call 509.893.8200 to make your request at least three (3) business days ahead of time.

In your message, include the following:

  • Your name
  • Your email and/or phone number
  • The name and date of the event you plan to attend
  • The accommodation you are requesting

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Online programs using the Zoom video conferencing service include live transcription. Recorded Zoom events include auto-generated closed captioning.

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